Catching Up

Well it has been awhile since I posted and I know it important to all 3 of you that actually read my blog to make sure to see updates and changes. 

I am working on a project that has two ESXi servers, both with Direct Attached Storage that the client needs Near Line Continuous Replication without Shared Storage.  After examining the competing products, Veeam, Quest (vizioncore), DoubleTake we chose the Veeam Backup & Replication product.  Why you ask?  DoubleTake did what we needed but required an agent on each guest and was at least double the price.  Vizioncore (Quest) didn't really offer the same product class.

We ordered the Veeam product and noticed they don't have the version 5 product up on their website and this is the product I thought we ordered.  So I began working with the 4.1 version.  It works but will only replicate up to 30 Mb/s transfer rate.  I really hope they upgrade 4.1 to 5 for free because this is not what the client needs.

Yes VEEAM does offer an upgrade for free and that is quite good for the client.  After a few more preliminary tests I found that replication rate was fixed once the VLAN Tagging was properly set on the switches and once you set the rate of replication to 1 minute and turn on VSS that transfer rate increased over 10x.  It was reporting over a 400 Mb/s transfer and increased on each consecutive replication.  It also provides Application Consistency while using VSS.

Once version 5 is in I will be one of the first to install it to this for proper replication for the client.

Good job Veeam!
