1. Connect to your vCenter servers.
2. Define your Datastores you want to get the sizes of
3. Run the view script to see the appropriate Datastores and their sizes in GBs!
$DS | Select Name, @{N="FreeSpaceGB";E={[System.Math]::Round($_.FreeSpaceMB / 1024, 2)}} , @{N="CapacityGB";E={$_.CapacityMB / 1024}}, @{N="UsedGB";E={[System
.Math]::Round(($_.CapacityMB - $_.FreeSpaceMB) / 1024, 2)}}
Yes, this is on one line, and here is the explanation:
- $DS is an object created in step 2 capturing all the information outputted from the remainder of the code line. So in this case is gets objects that don't contain text Local or iSCSI within the Name.
- If you just type $DS it outputs similar type information to what Step 3's uber command but what the command in step 3 does is massage the data to a more useful form.
- The | Select sends the objects output of $DS to a select-object command. (huh?) (Select-object allows you to pick the portions of the output you want)
- Name outputs the Name of the Datastore (pretty obvious)
- Ok, what is the next portion? It looks like random characters. Well it is a statement manipulating the output.
@{N="FreeSpaceGB";E={[System.Name]::Round($_.FreeSpaceMB / 1024, 2)}}
- The @ shows it is an Array, the "N" actually stands for "Name" and the "E" stands for expression. Yes, you can write the whole words out but N and E are faster :)
- So Put the title of FreeSpaceGB and figure out what FreeSpaceMB / 1024 equals and round it to 2 decimal places.
- Pretty simple, eh?
This is only a basic example but it gives you a starting place for developing your own one-liners!
Alternate Listing the Freespace, Capacity, Provisioned and Over-Provisioned Storage:
$DS = Get-Datastore | Get-View | where {$_.Name -notmatch "Local" -and $_.Name -notmatch "NFS" -and $_.Name -notmatch "iSCSI"}
$Disk = $DS | Select -ExpandProperty Summary | Select Name, @{N="FreeSpaceInGB";E={[System.Math]::Round($_.FreeSpace / $GB, 2)}}, @{N="CapacityInGB";E={$_.Capacity / $GB}}, @{N="UsedGB";E={[System.Math]::Round(($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace) / $GB, 2)}}, @{N="PercentageFree";E={[System.Math]::Round(($_.FreeSpace / $_.Capacity) * 100)}}, @{N="ProvisionedInGB";E={[System.Math]::Round(($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace + $_.Uncommitted) / $GB, 2)}}, @{N="OverProvisionedByInGB";E={[System.Math]::Round((($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace + $_.Uncommitted) - $_.Capacity) / $GB, 2)}}
Connect-ViServer <ServerName>
2. Define your Datastores you want to get the sizes of
$DS = get-datastore | where {$_.Name -notmatch "Local" -and $_.Name -notmatch "iSCSI"}
3. Run the view script to see the appropriate Datastores and their sizes in GBs!
$DS | Select Name, @{N="FreeSpaceGB";E={[System.Math]::Round($_.FreeSpaceMB / 1024, 2)}} , @{N="CapacityGB";E={$_.CapacityMB / 1024}}, @{N="UsedGB";E={[System
.Math]::Round(($_.CapacityMB - $_.FreeSpaceMB) / 1024, 2)}}
Yes, this is on one line, and here is the explanation:
- $DS is an object created in step 2 capturing all the information outputted from the remainder of the code line. So in this case is gets objects that don't contain text Local or iSCSI within the Name.
- If you just type $DS it outputs similar type information to what Step 3's uber command but what the command in step 3 does is massage the data to a more useful form.
- The | Select sends the objects output of $DS to a select-object command. (huh?) (Select-object allows you to pick the portions of the output you want)
- Name outputs the Name of the Datastore (pretty obvious)
- Ok, what is the next portion? It looks like random characters. Well it is a statement manipulating the output.
@{N="FreeSpaceGB";E={[System.Name]::Round($_.FreeSpaceMB / 1024, 2)}}
- The @ shows it is an Array, the "N" actually stands for "Name" and the "E" stands for expression. Yes, you can write the whole words out but N and E are faster :)
- So Put the title of FreeSpaceGB and figure out what FreeSpaceMB / 1024 equals and round it to 2 decimal places.
- Pretty simple, eh?
This is only a basic example but it gives you a starting place for developing your own one-liners!
Alternate Listing the Freespace, Capacity, Provisioned and Over-Provisioned Storage:
$DS = Get-Datastore | Get-View | where {$_.Name -notmatch "Local" -and $_.Name -notmatch "NFS" -and $_.Name -notmatch "iSCSI"}
$GB = "1073741824"
$Disk = $DS | Select -ExpandProperty Summary | Select Name, @{N="FreeSpaceInGB";E={[System.Math]::Round($_.FreeSpace / $GB, 2)}}, @{N="CapacityInGB";E={$_.Capacity / $GB}}, @{N="UsedGB";E={[System.Math]::Round(($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace) / $GB, 2)}}, @{N="PercentageFree";E={[System.Math]::Round(($_.FreeSpace / $_.Capacity) * 100)}}, @{N="ProvisionedInGB";E={[System.Math]::Round(($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace + $_.Uncommitted) / $GB, 2)}}, @{N="OverProvisionedByInGB";E={[System.Math]::Round((($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace + $_.Uncommitted) - $_.Capacity) / $GB, 2)}}
This exports into a csv format.
$ds | export-csv c:\scripts\output.csv